Thursday, February 16, 2012

Love and marriage....

Jocelyn saw our wedding photo book that we keep on our fireplace mantle the other day.  She asked me if she could see the pictures.  I say sure, and get it down for her.

She starts turning the pages and suddenly she looks at me with wide eyes and says, "Mommy, you got married?!"  She looked so truly happy and proud of me.  It was the sweetest thing ever.

I told her to look closely at who I was with.  Another epiphony: "You married Daddy!"  She was SO happy for us.  Of course, she wondered why she wasn't in the pictures too.

Ah, the pure joy that you can experience in the eyes of a three year old...there is no greater magic. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Embarrassing things she says - Vol. 1

Without really knowing for sure, I'm going to go out on a limb and assume there will be subsequent volumes of this edition of embarrassing things she says. She is three years old, after all.

The other day, we ran into one of my best friend's moms. She's a very heavy smoker and has been for a long time. So, she has a very raspy smoker's voice. She comes up to say hi and makes a little small talk as I'm putting Jocelyn in her car seat. Jocelyn promptly and loudly says, "Mommy, she sounds like a witch!"

I was so thrown off I didn't even know what to say! I shushed Jocelyn under my breath and then prayed my friend's mom didn't hear her (no chance she didn't hear). I wanted to crawl in a hole. Is it just me?  Do I just embarrass too easy?  Or would your three year old telling someone they sound like a witch embarrass you as well?  We awkwardly part company without saying more.  I'm socially awkward anyways, so I don't need help from Jocelyn! Ugh.

So anyways, stay tuned! I'm sure she's poised to embarrass me again soon.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Smell my booty!

Tonight while bathing with cousins, Jocelyn stands up in the tub, turns around and tells her cousin to smell her booty.

"Jocelyn! That's not polite!" I tell her.

Without a second thought, she corrects herself, "Smell my booty, PLEASE!"

I guess I can't complain too much--she was more polite that time.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving! {late}

Yeah, yeah, I know it's late, but happy Thankgiving!  We spent the week with my sister-in-law in Tampa, Florida.  You can't beat 80 degrees and sunny on Thanksgiving.  Jocelyn experienced Sea World for the first time and had a ton of fun at the beach. 

Each time we visited a beach {with no intention of going in the water}, we came back with a soaking wet, sandy three year old.  No surprises there.  I'm not really sure why I didn't just bring her swimsuit with us to the beach in the first place.  And then to do it more than once?  What was Einstein's definition of insanity again?  Yeah...that one.  If you don't know, Google it.  No wait, don't.

So, this is just a quick posting wishing you all in the internet-land HAPPY HOLIDAYS from Jocelyn B. and family! 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

School pictures....OH NO!

It's school picture time!  School pictures make this mama very nervous for many reasons--to name a few:
  1. My kid hates pictures.  Seriously, she won't even look at a camera 99% of the time.
  2. The 1% of the time when she does look at a camera, she can't smile naturally to save her life.  I quit telling her to "say cheese" because what I get ends up looking like a rabid dog showing teeth right before biting you.
  3. She has crazy hair.  Her hair, with crazy curls--which I have never cut--just gets bigger, not longer.  She won't wear bows, headbands or hair ties (I tried bribery that morning to no avail), and recombing it is risky due to frizz. 
  4. I lost the damn order form!  I had it for approximately forty-three seconds when I picked her up from school.  I'm fairly certain the evil gremlins in my car stole it.
  5. They want an arm and a leg for only one shot (compounded by stressor #2 above).  There were about five-thousand combinations in the package, including the backdrop color, orientation, name or no name, and how close of a crop you want.  Just kill me now.  I'm sitting at a table and chair sized for three-year olds with my knees to my chin trying to fill out the form.  I'm already going to be late for work as it is.  At least I remembered my checkbook.
So after all that, and all the waiting for pictures to be delivered, here's my baby girl's first official school pictures.....


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Old videos and cat torture...

I was looking through old videos after I started my YouTube page, and I ran across this one.  Jocelyn was sitting with me when I played it, and she made me play it over and over and over again approximately 73 times while laughing maniacally through it each time.  Sometimes I worry about that girl...

She knows this is her when she was "baby Jocey", and she still treats the poor Harley-cat very similarly.  I feel bad for the cat (especially when you see the look on her face at the end of the video), but Harley doesn't really run away from the attention either--the cat is partially to blame for this situation.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Elf on the Shelf "George" is here!

Ever heard of "Elf on the Shelf"?  The concept is that Santa sends little elves out all over the world to keep an eye on little girls and boys.  He reports back to Santa nightly if they've been good or bad.  The little elf doll comes with a book, and this would be really sweet, if he didn't creep me out so damn much!

Even after several mommy friends of mine got the elf for their two year olds last year, I resisted.  First of all, Jocelyn was still fairly unaware of Santa Claus and a lot of the excitement of Christmas because frankly, we are never that "excited" for Christmas.  Don't get me wrong, we love Christmas time, but we hate the commercialism of it.  We understand how fun it can be for little kids, but she was still a little young last year.  So, until she started understanding the concept a little more, we kept our Santa stories small.

This year is different.  This year, we have a three year old with more awareness and understanding of the concept of Santa bringing presents on Christmas morning.  I'm finally ready to start building on the "magic" of Christmas that I experienced as a kid.  Time to rev up that holiday magic!  {If you know me you know that I'm not a terribly animated or outgoing personality, so the "revving up" is probably everyone else's subtle Christmas cheer.}

In comes George.  George is our Elf on the Shelf.  So many other mommies have been talking about their own elf and what good responses and fun they were having, I decided to put aside my phobia of creepy little dolls and spring for one.  Finding it half off and Barnes & Noble helped the decision tremendously.

So, he's here.  Today, sitting up on our fireplace mantle.  George is still creeping me out.  Not only does he watch Jocelyn, he's watching me.  If he ends up under my bed like the creepy little bastard clown on Poltergeist, he is TOTALLY being fed to the dogs!   Did you hear that George?!