Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Embarrassing things she says - Vol. 1

Without really knowing for sure, I'm going to go out on a limb and assume there will be subsequent volumes of this edition of embarrassing things she says. She is three years old, after all.

The other day, we ran into one of my best friend's moms. She's a very heavy smoker and has been for a long time. So, she has a very raspy smoker's voice. She comes up to say hi and makes a little small talk as I'm putting Jocelyn in her car seat. Jocelyn promptly and loudly says, "Mommy, she sounds like a witch!"

I was so thrown off I didn't even know what to say! I shushed Jocelyn under my breath and then prayed my friend's mom didn't hear her (no chance she didn't hear). I wanted to crawl in a hole. Is it just me?  Do I just embarrass too easy?  Or would your three year old telling someone they sound like a witch embarrass you as well?  We awkwardly part company without saying more.  I'm socially awkward anyways, so I don't need help from Jocelyn! Ugh.

So anyways, stay tuned! I'm sure she's poised to embarrass me again soon.

1 comment:

  1. When Kim was 3...just days after we got her, I was chating with a friend of mine..and Kim told her "My new brothers are very messy! My new Mommy never does the dishes! When Scott was 3 and in pre-school, he told the daycare woker [this was the first headstart school...where they gave poor kids a boiled egg and orange juice for breakfast...Bill worked for the Feds and I worked for the State of Ohio...but Scott envied the kids getting food...so he told the teacher"My Mommy didn't fix my breakfast this morning." She was already to give me a lecture, but gave him the breakfast plate. As he wiped the last crumb from his face, he looked up at her and said"My Daddy did!" She couldn't wait to tell me! One about Eric; when he was six the same teacher called me in to tell me that Eric had a real psychotic problem. He had pulled all the hair under his front forelock out...and would give no word of explanation! She called me in from work and we both got afer him about why he was doing such a thing! Finally in tears he went to hisstorage box and pulled out the Mother's day card he was working on. He had drawn a picure of me complete with real same colored hair! And yes you will have amny more!
